
In Gaza Siege, Atheist Author Sam Harris Finds Yet Another Opportunity to Disparage Islam

Nyet8/10/2014 12:01:51 pm PDT

re: #27 CuriousLurker

In a descriptive, demographic sense US is indeed a Christian state. It’s just a fact, and the one that doesn’t oblige anyone to anything. But since there is no such thing as a “Christian people” (ethnos), there is no analogy with the “Jewish state” in the sense, in which I used it above. Neither is there an “Islamic people” (as such; there are various peoples who are, statistically speaking, Islamic).

So, no, there cannot be a democratic, secular “Christian state” or “Islamic state” in the sense in which there can be a democratic secular “Jewish state” as per my description above. But one state that at least until recently used to be more or less democratic, secular as well as demographically Islamic is Turkey.