
Chuck C. Johnson Said "PD Sources" Told Him Ebola Confirmed in Newark - but He Was Lying Again

Blind Frog Belly White10/22/2014 11:25:12 am PDT

re: #24 klys

I think the point is that nobody expects to change him. We just hope to have enough information out there that other people who might run into him and think he is reasonable can see the other side.

May be a lost cause on some of them. Maybe a lot of them.

Don’t mind me, I’m just having a day of “the world can all fucking burn.”

After a decade of ‘fighting the good fight’ on the Bowsite, I finally got the shits of it and gave up. I got emails and PMs from lurkers saying they wanted me to stay, because while they hadn’t always agreed with me, I had helped sway them on some topics.

But it’s incredibly time-consuming and emotionally wearing to keep debunking the same fucking argument every other fucking month. The final straw was the Nth iteration of “We know that cutting taxes increases tax revenues”, less than 2 weeks after I’d posted all the data disproving it.