
Donald Trump Goes on Epic Twitter Rant Against Fox News

missliberties8/07/2015 3:30:31 pm PDT

re: #22 Romantic Heretic

Bruce Bartlett posits that the GOP needs Trump to win to cleanse the party of this divisive hateful madness.

“Republican leaders couldn’t stop the far right from briefly taking control of the 1964 convention and nominating Goldwater. But it ultimately proved beneficial to the party. The extremists had their chance and lost in one of the great blowouts in history.”

“A historic thrashing of the know-nothings would verify that compromise and reform are essential to recapture the White House and attract new voters, such as Latinos, who are now alienated from the Republican Party.”

I hope he is right. My mental health can’t take much more of this! :)

I am so sick of listening to people tell me that Marco Rubio represents the future because he talked about Amazon, while insisting that there should be no abortion exception for rape or incest. That is just insanely extreme.