
The Bob & Chez Show: The Hell Organization

Blind Frog Belly White4/01/2016 10:54:18 am PDT

re: #26 Great White Snark

To any and all Bernie supporters upset over how the party rules work, how the state parties actually have some say in how to do a primary-Next time learn the effing rules of baseball before you go to the game. No whinging allowed. Between elections you can bitch and grumble and see about getting the system changed. For now, it’s just not helpful or particularly timely.

Also, don’t bitch about how unfair the Superdelegate system is while trying to use it to your own advantage. Especially if you’re going to be too pure to raise funds to get them elected so you can actually get something done, if YOU’RE elected.

It’s like his campaign is being run by a bunch of overprivileged teenagers.