
The Bob & Chez Show: The Golden Turd

nines0911/29/2016 5:09:06 pm PST

re: #23 InfidelOfFreedom

Trump claims a “deal” was struck with Carrier to save ~1000 jobs. Of course, NYT immediately blares it as “breaking news” and a “a powerful tactical strike that will rally his base” from their front page. No details on what this supposed deal is, other than a promise (a tiny pinky swear?) to cut regulations and taxes on a company that, according to the article, already receives 10% of its revenue from taxpayers as a defense contractor. Interesting how when unions negotiate with corporations, it’s anti-capitalist, but when Trump does it he’s the working man’s hero.

Yeah. Clean air. Water. Yeah. Good stuff. But reality says otherwise. Unions? Nope. You have to allow the companies to make maximum profits to draw maximum capital to draw maximum returns for people who do not live near “was at one time” clean air and water and Unions. But they are next. Did we mention it’s a national policy?