
The Great Julian Lage: "Twilight Surfer"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/29/2021 10:19:03 pm PST

NY Times Columnist Unsure Why ‘The Feminist Movement’ Has To Be So Feminist About Everything (Wonkette)

If there is anything the New York Times loves, it is a good op-ed about how the Democratic Party or the left in general would do well to abandon causes and issues that matter to them, in hopes of becoming more palatable to Republicans who are never going to vote for them anyway. They also love a bad op-ed on this particular subject, as is traditionally the case.

This weekend, we were gifted a meandering essay from columnist Tish Harrison Warren titled “Why The Feminist Movement Needs Pro-Life People,” which, rudely, was not subtitled “Like A Hole In The Head.” Warren is a priest in the Anglican Church in North America, which is far more conservative than the Episcopal Church and which, notably, opposes same-sex marriage.

The gist of it is simple: feminists should stop making reproductive rights and bodily autonomy such an issue, so that we can include people who think they are feminists despite their desire to force us to give birth against our will.

Warren starts off the op-ed by talking about how she herself has been a feminist since college.


She has no feminist credentials. She is an Anglican priest. The Anglican Church in the USA (not the Episcopalian Church) is opposed to both abortion and LGBT+ rights.

The article goes on into her other bad ideas.