
Inside the Secret Liberal Media Email Cabal

doppelganglander3/27/2009 9:30:06 am PDT

How about this choice nugget? Don’t you want to know who “Redacted” is?

It bothered me when folks where making totally unsubstantiated comments about [REDACTED!—mk]’s sex life, and it bothers me when folks make [REDACTED] jokes. To be clear, I’m totally open to legitimate commentary on the substance of anyone’s argument, and people should get smacked down if they lie, if they get things wrong, etc. I think analyzing Peretz’s writing about Mexicans, or Palestinians, or whoever, is totally fair game. But saying that [REDACTED] clearly must not have a girlfriend, or speculating about who [REDACTED] gets turned down by sexually are not arguments. We wouldn’t take similar statements remotely seriously if they were made by conservatives about anyone on this list.