
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

Bagua11/27/2009 6:20:19 pm PST

re: #11 Charles

Agreed on the litigious society part, but please note that this is part of a very coordinated effort to sabotage the Copenhagen climate summit. There’s big money behind this, and multinational corporations that are very scared of that summit.

True that, but they are tilting at windmills as Copenhagen will clearly be a farce. There is also a pre-Copenfarcen effort to promote the AGW agenda, with the Polar Bears raining from the sky advert, the “Diagnosis” and a general amping up of the alarmism. Both sides are trying to push their agenda, this is expected.

There is also a stark difference between the hockey team at CRU and NASA. The latter has published its data and code. Once CRU does the same the controversy will be over. There is every justification to sue CRU, but I don’t see the justification to sue NASA.