
Onion: 'Iron Man 2' Buzz Heats Up Over Paltrow Rumor

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/20/2010 5:16:05 pm PDT

Over on the nominally “Christian” Townhall, the Townhall Patriots are ♥’ing Paleo Pat’s latest declaration:

Location: WA
Reply # 73
Date: Apr 20, 2010 - 1:45 AM EST
What goes around comes around.
So now the left has to figure out how to control what they created. My money is on the ‘whites’: smarter, wealthier, guilt-free & better armed. Their only drawbacks are a strong regard for fairness, forgiveness, and love of the underdog. They lack ruthlessness.


Location: FL
Reply # 71
Date: Apr 20, 2010 - 1:55 AM EST
Black America seems united
You make a chilling statement, Buchanan. I only hope the key word there is “seems”. When the black community talks about being a traitor to the race, when they vote 96 per cent on color lines, they present the face of an “us” and “them” mentality. This has got to increase the same sort of feelings in white people. Is a white man who hires a black woman a traitor to his race? To his sex? What is happening here to recognition and reward of merit? Is this what black people want? Separate communities, loyal only internally? Right now they would seem to be getting away with a certain amount of One-way thinking. Black Miss America, Yes. White Miss America, HeII no. Black congressional Caucus Yes, White CC, no and so forth. And just where does the brotherhood of Man fit in here?

As Buchanan and Scott note, the election of Barry has had a watershed effect on white guilt. Racist charges have only increased, after the election of a black man, with 80 per cent of his votes coming from white people. A lot of folks are re-thinking the whole business of the race card. Its become a uniter for whites. Yes, I’m white they say. If that’s a fair reason for your prejudice, my prejudice becomes ok. A nasty slippery path is widening. Thank you, Barry the uniter, initiator of the post-racial era.


Location: CA
Reply # 65
Date: Apr 20, 2010 - 5:04 AM EST
You can’t say that, Pat
America is the land where truth is forbidden.
Didn’t you hear Jack Nicholsen in “A Few Good Men” speak the truth? “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH’! Indeed, it is punishable!

Just start here: Does voting 24 to one for anyone suggest a high level of thinking? Go to any University where the smartest people in the world teach and are taught. Just get those academics to agree 24 to one on any sybject under the sun and report back to your readers!
PARDON ME IF I DON’T FAST UNTIL YOU HAVE SUCCEDDED! No, this truth is one of the many facts you are forbidden to recount!

Yes, Black America is light years away from the
world Obama grew up in but one who’s ties by blood cannot be unfelt. His every action is to enrich those people at the expense of everyone else; benefits for which they will never pay more than a fraction of the burden, excuses for all their shortcommings, absolution for all their sins (metiphoricly speaking)I’m OK, You are OK, to the max, and praise for miniscule accomplishments. And they return the blind absolution, supporting him, come what may as if he were Adam Clayton Powell or Alsee Hastings taking bribes or another Black congressman with only $90 Thousand in his freezer (darn, I wondered where I left that!), all a mistake I am sure and serving his time for what will certainly turn out to be a trumped up charge (that’s their story and they are sticking to it)>

Even a brave Irishman like you had better not be too truthful, Pat!


And so on and so forth. What a cesspool. Yet Buchanan is smart enough to know how to make money - he will go with his crowd, feeding them what they want and what he is so willing to give.