
Amazon Kindle Slugs It Out with the Barnes and Noble Nook

Joo-LiZ6/21/2010 2:07:13 pm PDT

Is it too early to go off topic?

Ah, the heck with it.

Sorry for the early-thread OT:

An FB friend just linked to a new website which has some fascinating graphic images to put the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in perspective.

So far, there are only 3 posts up, but they are interesting to see. The first deals with the UN Security Council Resolutions versus the number of actual deaths in various conflicts world wide, the second has to do with the number of Qassam rockets fired from Gaza as time goes on (from 2003-after Operation Cast Lead), and the third is an image showing how the security barrier in the West Bank directly impacted the amount of suicide bombings in Israel.

It’s one thing to read the statistics and know the facts. It’s another to see the relative scale of the conflicts as shown there. (I know similar things have been done before, but these ones are particularly good).