
The GOP's Drive to Tear Down the Wall of Separation

researchok10/27/2010 12:59:45 pm PDT

re: #15 Gus 802

Fear and loathing got in the way. Of course the loathing was always there since these Dominionist factions have been dormant for several decades.

What bothers me most is the lack of a political big tent’.

For some, lack of religion is a disqualifier. For others, any kind of religion is a disqualifier.

Choice only matters if it is the right choice.

Individualism- and individual political idiosyncrasies- have been replaced with the demand for borg like attachments.

Identity politics is a sad replacement for free thinking.

We can accept parts of differing ideologies. We’ve just been taught that is verboten- to accept ideas outside the prescribed limits of what are acceptable positions.

It isn’t the Dems or GOP who loses nowadays. We do.