
Trump Tied for First in GOP Race

lawhawk4/12/2011 9:56:51 am PDT

It doesn’t matter that Obama’s half sister says he was born in Hawaii, the birthers are fact-resistant.

Daly wrote in the Daily News thusly (and I wholeheartedly concur):

Only, with this birther nonsense, there is no longer any excuse for being fooled.

He showed that to promote himself he is willing to play on the paranoid imaginings of folks whose real problem with Barack Obama has nothing to do with the place of his birth.

What they cannot stand is that Obama was born black and proved we really are a country where anybody can grow up to become President.

They are obsessed with finding some way to cast Obama as an Other, ineligible to be President.

“Hey, he can’t be President,” they say. “He’s bla… I mean foreign-born.”

Anybody who seeks to capitalize on that deserves to be fired - and forgotten.

He was born in Hawaii, which makes him a US citizen.

He was born to an American mother, which makes him an American citizen - regardless of where exactly he was born in the world.

Yet, these birthers ignore all that because… well, they don’t like the fact that he won, and he’s not the write skin tone.

Trump is merely using the same bamboozling techniques that he’s used on investors in the past to go in on his projects that later turn into money pits - including his failed casinos that have repeatedly gone bankrupt. A sucker is born every minute, and Trump capitalizes on this with his birtherism.

Without the birtherism, Trump isn’t even in the discussion.