
Onion Week in Review: RNC Edition

TedStriker9/16/2012 4:54:38 pm PDT

re: #22 Shiplord Kirel

General Edwin Walker, 1909-1993 was mentioned in the last string as the probable source for the JFK “Wanted for Treason” poster that appeared in Dallas just before Kennedy’s assassination in 1963. Walker, dismissed from the army for indoctrinating his troops with John Birch propaganda, was quite a character.

His career is like a detailed road map of the roots of the current American right. It’s all there, JBS founder Robert Welch, Reverend Billy James Hargis, McCarthyism, pervasive conspiracy claims, and strident opposition to minority rights.

Walker himself had been the target of an assassination attempt a few months before the Kennedy murder. It is widely believed that the failed assassin was none other than Lee Harvey Oswald.
Even more strangely, Walker had commanded the federal troops who successfully forced the integration of Little Rock Central High School in 1957. He had complained constantly through back channels that his orders were unconstitutional and immoral but he had carried them out.

Read the Wiki on him; what a POS from Little Rock on.