
Sunday Afternoon Short Animation: Palmipedarium

BigPapa2/17/2014 7:37:40 am PST

I find it ironic that so many ‘smart people,’ bloggers, intellectuals, professional writers that supposedly say compelling stuff, resort to such petty and infantile musings.

A common narrative from these numbskulls is assigning hypocrisy to politicians or advocates for dealing with climate change, because they flew planes which used carbon, or they’re rich and have lots of houses and a huge carbon footprint.

So if you have a large carbon footprint you can’t tell other people to have less because shut up hypocrite. This is not meant to be a serious discussion, it’s meant to end serious discussions, as people with multiple houses or who fly planes can engage on a discussion about climate change for the common good of all, even if it takes carbon release to do so. At least a reasonable person would consider this possible.

This means the actual hypocrite is the (supposed) intellectual, the discusser of things, who’s job is to talk about things.. who tries to shut down talk of things by using debate tactics of teenagers.