
Breitbart Editors Post Creepy Attack on Ben Shapiro Using His Father's Pseudonym

Backwoods Sleuth3/14/2016 4:12:02 pm PDT

First of all, what in the hell is going on here? The news all morning was that Todd Palin had been seriously injured in a snow machine accident—which, apparently, is true—and that Princess Dumbass was hastening back to the Northwoods to be with him. Suddenly, she’s back in Florida, working on her meatball rhetorical skills in front of an audience packed with the finest rubes and goobers that state has to offer. Multitasking! And she was speechifying with words for the purposes of introducing Big Chicken, who took the stage with the very last shreds of human dignity wafting away on the breeze. No job in any administration is worth this kind of humiliation.