
Rank Antisemitism at MPACUK Site

Wishbone1/10/2009 12:47:48 pm PST

re: #289 splat

LMAO……….. You must shit presumption you, bollocks. I never said you weren’t a Brit; just that I hoped you weren’t. ‘Seems that life is full of disappointments. Next time, try reading what I wrote.

For the record, I am a Northerner; Subspecies: Scouser.

In response to your other claptrap: I’ve travelled the length and breadth of this country in my line of work and have indeed visited all the places on your list. You’re absolutely right: Complete shitholes the lot of them and I could add quite a few more to your list.

My original statement still stands. You can’t expect me to take you seriously at all if all you’re going to do is take what are specifically localised demographics and extrapolate them to describe the situation in every major city and every pisspot of a town or village in between. All that gets you is sensationalist scaremongering when rational thought and common sense are much more useful. Unless you write for the Daily Star or their ilk, in which case I’d be far less surprised.

I’m far from in denial sunshine. I’m looking at the situation with a clear head and, with just a little homework, you could stick pins in a map of Britain where the demographic makeup presents problems, potential or otherwise. Alternately, the vast majority of Britain isn’t affected by these concentrations; a fact, it seems, you find convenient to overlook.

Painting a picture of me as some southern prat, with their uber liberal head shoved so far up his arse that he has to read his Guardian from behind his own teeth, serves only to expose how you need to place any who disagree into a category whereby they become a popular political and regional stereotype. Ignorance, presumption and lack of objective thought. Am I repeating myself here?