
Video: Has the Earth Been Cooling for 10 Years?

Cato the Elder2/13/2010 5:51:54 pm PST

re: #281 HoosierHoops

Hi lizards..Damn I love the Olympics!
Since the time I was 12…I absolutely love the Olympics…

I spent the entire 1972 Olympics on my parents’ couch in the family room with a mild case of meningitis. When I say “mild”, I mean “not enough to put me in the ICU with an IV drip”. I couldn’t move my neck or my spine without moaning or shrieking, depending on the time of day.

So I vegetated on the couch and saw every event that was broadcast.

Including the Black September slaughter of the Israeli athletes.

That was the start of my immovable support for Israel and my gut-level disgust at any American leftist bastard who wears a keffiyeh.