
Video: Dutch Marines Board Hijacked Ship

290 12:45:28 pm PDT

re: #282 lawhawk

You mean like the Army Corps of Engineers and their incompetence in constructing/maintaining the levees in and around NOLA? That wasn’t corporate greed - just incompetence and decades of ignoring the real possibility of a direct hit on a city built largely below sea level and protected by a system that was insufficient to handle even a glancing blow from a hurricane.

Also, we have no idea whether corporate greed played a role here - or whether it was a mechanical failure or human error or some other factor/factors that were involved. More regulations may not have prevented this disaster and I don’t have a time machine to know whether an acoustic shutoff would have worked here - or it would have failed along with the other shutoff systems in place.

re: NOLA - you forgot the corruption of the levee boards.

re: the rig disaster - if the equipment was damaged during whatever explosion happened, nothing in the world would work in shutting off the thing -