
Deserting a Sinking Ship: Gingrich's Entire Iowa Campaign Staff Resigns

Claire6/09/2011 3:55:05 pm PDT

re: #284 Charles

She’s not THE most ignorant. She doesn’t think the earth is 6000 years old, like Huckabee. She goes into this some more about the age of the earth and fossils and stuff in her book. I think if she did think the earth was young, she’d tell you.

We covered this in the old threads a million years ago. I think she shares the belief of “special creation” for humans as in the divine spark or whatever that created the soul was “created” but for the history of the earth and other animal and plant life, there’s no issues with an old earth or evolution. And I’m not excusing that, just noting again that she shares that notion with probably the majority of all protestants, it’s not terribly fringe to say that God created the process of evolution. They call that “creationism” when it’s not strictly what everybody else means by the word.

So, as I’ve said before, she’s what she is, but AFAICT she’s not a YEC, which I consider a completely separate category of stupid.