
Investigation Into Missing Malaysian Jet Expands

GunstarGreen3/18/2014 7:13:50 am PDT

re: #279 Pie-onist Overlord

This guy think that all the publicity from being [HURR HURR TEH WELFARE SURFER!!!![/wingnut] will get his rock band some gigs.

[Embedded content]

I really have to wonder who these people are that are being “taxed into oblivion”.

I work an IT job with pretty nice pay. I’m not in the top tax bracket, but I’m up there. I fill out a 1040EZ and the Georgia equivalent of it each year after filing Single 1, and I usually end up with a federal refund and a state payment that basically cancel each other out. I’m not even bothering to itemize for maximum deductions. Didn’t have any homeowner/homestead credits (this is the first year that I’m eligible to apply), despite paying rent that was WELL above what I’m now paying for mortgage.

I still have PLENTY of money left over after taxes to do whatever the hell I want and live comfortably. I keep myself entertained and healthy, and have solid transportation and housing. This, without a spouse.

Though again, I guess this is the privilege I get for paying attention in school and not popping out a kid at 20 like everyone else in this shithole of a state.