
Watch: President Obama Announces Normalization With Cuba

lawhawk12/17/2014 12:47:03 pm PST

Jeb Bush on the President’s actions.

Hits all the GOP word salad choices. Executive overreach (hey, ever hear about a guy named George. Jeb might even be related to him). Benefiting Castros and their heinous human rights record (just ignore the Saudis, Egyptians, Pakistanis, Russians, Chinese, Laotians, and the Latin American autocrats along with all the other autocratic and totalitarian regimes the US had normalized relations with - completely ignoring or minimizing the horrendous human rights violations in those countries.

Nixon to China - with Mao still in power. He of the Long March and Great Leap forward and millions killed. Russia and the gulag archipelago. I could go on. Jeb’s father might know a thing or two from this too.