
At Site Run by Trump's Campaign CEO, Commenters Call for Mass Deportation and Murder

EPR-radar9/19/2016 3:16:01 pm PDT

re: #274 Shiplord Kirel

I seriously think the Democratic Party’s opposition research organization needs to broaden its focus to include things like the conspiracy industry, Sovereign citizens (especially “sovereign sheriffs”) and the Texas Independence Movement. The latter, you might recall, was a running joke until Russian wingnuts started to take an interest in it. Now it is officially enshrined in GOP county platforms all over Texas.

It is understandable that op-research has tended to ignore these phenomena. Op-research specialists are political professionals and these things have always been on the safely ignored fringe. The fringe dwellers have moved into the mainstream, however; perhaps more quickly than professional political operatives have been able to adjust. It seems possible that Republican operatives were able to adjust more quickly than Democrats because their 40 year romance with the religious right has accustomed them to hinterland hucksters and their methods and audience.

I think young earth creationism has also given Republicans and the conservative movement practice with lying as the standard approach for everything.

Young earth creationism by itself is not necessarily a lie, since one can imagine a true believer in it who consistently claims ‘goddidit’ by making an old-looking earth very recently.

It becomes a lie when creationists claim that empirical evidence supports creationism, and this claim that empirical evidence supports YEC is always made by the YEC advocates and apologists. Liars, all.