
UK Intelligence Officials Vouch for Credibility of Trump "Golden Showers" Dossier

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)1/12/2017 4:48:50 pm PST

re: #283 Anymouse

No Muslim has ever threatened me. Many Evangelicals have.

There’s that.

Mosques, when they find someone within their parishioners who display or speak of violence against others have long done things like notify the police or the FBI.

Evangelical churches hide such people (think Eric Rudolph). They do not renounce violence.

I am not condemning Evangelicals, you may have misread what I wrote. I said respect and trust are earned. I don’t trust a used car salesman to tell me everything I need to know, but I’m pretty sure a dealership is not harbouring terrorists. They do not hammer every day at the sales meeting how their customers are evil.

It is not a big step from “this person is evil” to “this person should stop breathing.”

If you think Glenn Beck engaged in stochastic terrorism by hammering away at Dr. Tiller every night, why do Evangelical preachers get a pass?

I didn’t say they deserve a pass or even respect. I said individuals shouldn’t be suspect simply because of their group. You’ve never been threatened by a Muslim. That’s great. People in Boston had their friends and loved ones killed by them and I wouldn’t give them a free pass to hate all Muslims because of it just as I think your and Ziggy’s bad experience with Evangelicals shouldn’t give you both a pass to hate all Evangelicals. You don’t have to like or even respect them but my point is I don’t think it’s right to assume Evangelical= enemy anymore than Muslim or nonbeliever does and frankly Klys especially has been working hard to get Ziggy to see people as individuals rather than their group label for sometime now.