
Punch Brothers: "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" (3/3/22 Boston, MA)

Shropshire Slasher3/22/2022 9:05:20 am PDT

Singing Baby Shark is kinda cute, I admire her grit and determination!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the ER.

A UK woman’s hand was left looking like a cartoon shark head after doctors sewed the appendage inside her stomach to fight a vicious infection. A video chronicling her Jaws-dropping mitt currently boasts over 75 million views on TikTok.

“I wasn’t aware my hand was going to look like a shark’s head till it had actually been released from my abdomen,” said Sadie Kemp, 34, of her bizarre affliction, the Mirror reported.

In the video, which she did “not expect to go viral,” the 34-year-old Petersborough native can be seen making her Megalodon-esque mitt “hum” the “Jaws” theme before dunking it in a bowl of water.