
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

AJStrata10/22/2009 3:23:02 am PDT

re: #249 ludwigvanquixote

Dude (yeah, it feels good dude) I did not “lie”. What is it with you? Ever mature past 3rd grade?
I simply noted what you missed. The NCDC admits they do not police their sites, they admit some had bad siting and they pointed to a study that only investigated a small sample. Watts has pointed them many times to bad sites they do not deny.

Your personal issues with Watts aside, that indicates to me the sites are crap until proven otherwise. And, as I noted, they do not control all sites world wide (doh - going to call me a lier again dude).

And that is just a diversion from the main point your little lobes cannot grasp. There is no consistency or QA on these ground sensors that give any confidence in a tenth of a degree index for that local, that region, that hemisphere, that land mass or the globe!
