
What Racism at the Tea Parties?

windsagio1/04/2010 3:39:01 pm PST

in response to something I said above, I asked an expert about my pet stereotype (forgive the self-indulgence):

A beardo is a guy who is interested in history and war, but only in what the muzzle (velocities) of the most powerful rifles used were, with little interest in why people were fighting and dying. A beardo looks at a problem and sees a solution, only if that solution involves badass hardware. A beardo drifts off to sleep with visions of Red Dawn floating in his head, carefully scrutinizing the small-unit tactics of The Wolverines as he dreams of shooting rioters in New Orleans as Ayn Rand “watches his six”.

The beardo rides a Honda Goldwing or a Harley, because these things are large and badass. A beardo wears a black fedora. A beardo wears his chin whiskers long because that’s the manly thing to do, and if he is anything (other than blubbery), he is manly, and he wants you to know that. The beardo eats steak, and wants you to know that he eats steak, and for your information, he likes it rare.

I would add ‘any kind of hat’, but he’s the expert >