
GOP Crowd Boos Gay Soldier Serving in Iraq, While Santorum Babbles About Sex

Birth Control Works9/23/2011 1:38:24 am PDT

re: #288 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Lol in an effort to try and get me to turn from my wicked ways, my mother once tried to convince me that “Chernobyl” means “wormwood”.

I was like, hey that’s cool you’re taking Russian. /// What other vocabulary do you know? /// ///

Silence/change of subject.

I wish I’d known at the time that real wormwood is the main ingredient in Absinthe. lol that would have added quite a bit to the conversation, I bet.

OMG, the mental gymnastics it takes to try to make pertinent a passage from a book spoken in an ancient language, transcribed into another and translated many, many times by people of different langauges into still more languages.