
Smithsonian Magazine: The Shocking Savagery of America's Early History

Gus2/23/2013 10:25:25 am PST

re: #288 sattv4u2

Damn, and I was going to ask you if I could crash at your place next time I’m in Denver getting a Rocky Mountain High!!

Colorado was always pot country. As was New Jersey and California. I have to admit that Colorado seems to be a biggest fan of the three. Jerry Brown actually won the Colorado Dem prez primaries which was a surprise to me. I remember using a public restroom in Fort Dix, NJ and seeing some still useful bud remnants on a window sill which I scooped up. This was back around 1978. At a US Army fort. The Feds continue to be idiots about this whole issue. Here we are in 2013 and we have a brainless DEA administrator that thinks marijuana use leads to Heroin.