
Sunday Night Classic: Imogen Heap, "Hide and Seek"

CuriousLurker11/25/2013 9:55:03 am PST

re: #278 AlexRogan

Drive-by - If this guy isn’t exaggerating, then it looks like this agreement pissed off pretty much everyone on all sides:

Historic US-Iran Deal Is First Step Toward Peace

The substance of the accord reached in Geneva is a breakthrough, but the politics of the agreement is equally important. President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry signed the deal in explicit, full-frontal defiance of American hawks, neoconservatives and hardliners, the Israel lobby and anti-Iran partisans in Congress. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and his team, backed by President Hassan Rouhani — elected in June with a mandate to do exactly this — have similarly defied their own country’s hardliners and skeptics, led by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and by what Zarif calls Iran’s own tea party. And the United States struck the deal despite outright hostility, bordering on hysteria, from its two chief allies in the Middle East, Israel and Saudi Arabia. […]

re: #271 Dark_Falcon

I doubt the Senate will end up passing the bill, but perhaps Harry Reid is saying that to put Iran on notice. The idea being to let Iran know that if they start off with acts of bad faith, then ‘Good Cop Obama’ will give way to ‘Bad Cop US Senate’ and they won’t like what happens then. More likely Reid is just covering his ass.

From the same article as above:

Interestingly, a statement from the White House early today explicitly rules out the imposition of additional sanctions, which is a direct message to leaders of the US Senate, including majority leader Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who’d hinted that they’d move ahead with yet another round of sanctions in December. The accord, says the White House, commits the parties of the P5+1, including the United States, to “not impose new nuclear-related sanctions for six months, if Iran abides by its commitments under this deal, to the extent permissible within their political systems.” […]