
Twitter's Redesigned Block Feature Is a Stalker's Delight - Update: Twitter Reinstates the Block Feature

Vicious Babushka12/13/2013 7:41:03 am PST

re: #291 HappyWarrior

Right and there were other uprisings too. Plus, the NRA acts like the Nazis were somehow unique as an occupying forces that didn’t allow the citizens to have guns. The Nazis’ evil isn’t an indictment on gun control, it’s an indictment of how religion and race are used to create people of other backgrounds as “others”. As I said, if I were the mayor, I’d be furious at the NRA idiot who said what he did. Debate the law all you want but leave the man’s family suffering during the Holocaust out of it and the NRA and the other Holocaust cheapers(people who compare everything they dislike to the Holocaust and Nazis) do it continuously.

These same idiots also co-opt the evil of slavery to complain about HURR HURR TEH INCOME TAX!!!111!!