
Xenophobia Runs Rampant as Immigrant Families Are Turned Away by Right Wing Protesters

randymo19657/02/2014 10:32:24 pm PDT

I came and looked at this guys blog because someone described it as a conservative site, maybe if you’re Pol Pot. I love the twisted way you idiots portray citizens who want to maintain sovereignty of their borders and country, while the commenters here sling ad hominem attacks all the while ironically calling the protesters dumb. At least they are perceptive enough and energized enough to do something to show their disgust with the MAJORITY view that we have enough illegals and calling these citizens names doesn’t change facts-so sorry bout your indoctrination most of you make good useful idiots for the press and the libs-, I’ll leave you idiots alone to stew in your own hypocrisy.
To you Charles Johnson you never were conservative to begin with but compared to some of your smarmy cousins maybe appeared so, good riddance.