
Got a Big Hamas Fish

lawhawk1/15/2009 12:08:28 pm PST

Gee, how could this go wrong.

Human rights advocates are urging the incoming Obama administration to allow some detainees from the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to resettle as U.S. residents as part of any plan to close the controversial facility.

Taking such a step would go beyond plans outlined so far to close the prison and transfer detainees to other countries or to military prisons on the U.S. mainland. But allowing a small number — perhaps only two or three — to live freely in the U.S. could help persuade other countries to accept some of them as well.

“If we want European and other countries to feel comfortable taking at least some of the prisoners off American hands, the U.S. will have to show it is OK by taking some itself,” said Tom Malinowski, the Washington advocacy director of Human Rights Watch.

President-elect Barack Obama’s transition team is considering the option, but a Democratic official said there has been no conclusion that the resettlement option is necessary to Obama’s plans.

I say that if they’re going to do this, this moron gets to host the first terrorist released.