
IPT: ISNA's Mattson to Speak at Inaugural Prayer Service

jcm1/20/2009 7:04:07 pm PST

Why ya’ll are dissing the First Ladies wardrobe……

Michelle Obama’s golden ensemble symbolizes hope

Barack Obama may have talked about hope in his inaugural address but first lady Michelle Obama, wore it, quite literally, on her sleeve.

Wearing a golden yellow sheath dress and matching coat in an optimistic hue that seemed to catch and reflect the mid-day sunshine, Michelle Obama made symbolism a fashion statement.

“I think the yellow symbolized hope and renewal,” said Sasha Charnin Morrison, fashion director for US Weekly. “This has been their message all along.”

What is with the miss sour puss look? yeesh you’re the first lady at least look like it means more than mouthful of warm chunky milk.