
Brits Foil Far Right Plot to Bomb Mosques

doppelganglander7/07/2009 11:32:49 am PDT

re: #283 Dreader1962

I always describe Dan Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci Code’ as a book for people who hate reading. Over 100 chapters in about 450 pages; some chapters taking less than one page? Come on!

Not to mention the fatal logical flaw in the denouement.

“The Da Vinci Code” is a very poor example of the kind of book I love — mysteries involving historical and/or literary elements. I have found a few authors who do it well — Iain Pears, Charles Palliser, David Liss. The smart historical mystery/thriller seems to be a burgeoning genre - Amazon has a zillion suggestions if pull up any of these authors. Is anyone familiar with Michael Gruber? I’m considering trying him next.