
Va. Governor McDonnell: Slavery Wasn't 'Significant' Enough to Mention

Ebetty4/07/2010 12:49:24 pm PDT

However idiotic Gov. McDonnell may be, he is not alone. There is nothing defensible about issuing a proclamation, especially to folks outside of the Old Richmond mindset. However, for folks to point to the GOP as the home o’ the racists exclusively is absurd. Democrats should rebuke Andrew Jackson for his inherent racism instead of hosting Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners. Racism must not be tolerated in any of our leaders, anymore. Instead of partisan sniping, let us remember the Constitution. Also, this WSJ article lays out the racist ideology and commentary of the Democrats. All that said, the state of the inner cities is a pox on all their houses. Until that is cleaned up, from schools to businesses and basic safety, conversations should be directed to making a positive change where it matters most.