
Video: Dutch Marines Board Hijacked Ship

lawhawk5/03/2010 12:47:02 pm PDT

We have Arizona at one end of the spectrum, and NY’s Gov. Paterson now appears to go to the other - he wants to create pardon panels to help people avoid deportation under what he thinks is harsh federal law.

Gov. David Paterson on Monday said he will create a panel to help selected immigrants with criminal convictions avoid deportation under “harsh” federal laws. Paterson said New York would be the first state to create a “pardon panel” aimed specifically at investigating requests of legal immigrants facing deportation because of a past convictions.

Paterson said he would pardon immigrants who meet criteria such as rehabilitation and a lack of danger to society. The Democrat is seeking to combat what he calls harsh and rigid federal measures that result in deporting of immigrants who have shown considerable rehabilitation.

Paterson should focus on passing the state budget (now more than a month late - than trying to find a way to override federal law on deportations, which are quite clear.