
Deniers' Review Supports Scientific Consensus on Global Warming - Right Wing Sad

Walter L. Newton4/04/2011 3:13:37 pm PDT

re: #285 WindUpBird

you can code AND write AND your smart and if you can do all these things why aren’t you writing your own text adventures yet? :D

(note there’s no money in it, it just is awesome)

I was doing that in 1982 on the Vic 20 and Commodore 64. The first full application I ever wrote was a text adventure for the Vic 20 called “The Midway.” Ten locations… two word parser… “there is a bomb hidden somewhere on the carnival midway and you have 1 hour to find it.” Fit in 3.5k of memory.

Then I graduated to the 64 and wrote “Encounter.” Needed the 1541 51/2 inch disk drive, as I had multiple flat text files along with the application. It was a Betty and Barney Hill type of UFO encounter adventure. Full plain english parser, multiple commands and actions on one line, basically imitating the Infocom engine.