
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

Talking Point Detective4/03/2012 6:03:24 am PDT

re: #288 Interesting Times

And here’s another inconvenient fact the durr-hurr-CO2-is-plant-food dribbling idiots overlook:

Photosynthesis in the leafy plants we depend on for oxygen and food will stop working if current trends continue

Image: temperatureeffectonphot.jpg

This is why I predict the human race (barring a technological miracle) will be extinct in 200 years

I can’t go along with that prediction. My guess is that over a 200-year span, the impact of climate change will be regional, primarily, and the impact will be felt disproportionately among those with fewer adaptive resources. Romney’s family will not be extinct in 200 years, in my view. In fact, the U.S may be heavily impacted (I think that the time-span may be greater to require that level of impact), but I would guess not at a level that it would cause a very significant drop in population.