
Tuesday Night Open, With Birds, on a Beach

Kragar1/15/2014 10:18:35 am PST

Fischer: Only Property Owners Should Be Eligible To Vote - See more at:

“You know, back in the day, in the colonial period,” Fischer said, “you have to be a landowner, a property owner to be eligible to vote and I don’t think that’s a bad idea. And the is very simple: if somebody owns property in a community, they’re invested in the community. If they’re renters, they’re going to be up and gone; they could leave the next day … [P]eople that are not property owners - it’s like people that pay no taxes, they have no skin in the game. They don’t care about the same things that somebody does who is rooted in the community”.

As a renter, allow me to tell Bryan to fuck right off.