
Video: Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson - Update: Catholic League Defends Inquisition

CuriousLurker3/11/2014 6:49:13 pm PDT

re: #257 Killgore Trout

Top of the DKos rec list: Malasian Military Lied. They had missing plane on radar the whole time.
The phone thing has already been debunked so I suppose the rest of it’s probably bullshit too.

OFFS, why would anyone even bother getting info about this from the freaking DKos rec list instead of directly from a professional news source? Even the pros are utterly confused because they keep getting conflicting stories—the Malaysian Air Force chief says one thing, other government authorities say something else, and then the head of Malaysia Airlines offers a third account. Meanwhile, grief-stricken relatives in China think everyone’s lying to them to cover something up and are starting to freak out. It’s a major clusterfuck.

NY Times:

Confusion Over Plane’s Route Frustrates Families and Search

Stolen Passports on Plane Not Seen as Terror Link


Malaysia Airlines: What we know about flight MH370

Malaysia Airlines: How is the search being carried out?