
Seth Meyers: Republicans Try to Dismiss Trump's Second Impeachment Trial

Eclectic Cyborg1/28/2021 9:57:17 am PST

re: #291 Hecuba’s daughter

There would have to be very draconian measures to protect the world from these predators — and we only have power to restrict activities of US companies and not those based off-shore. But maybe someone like Warren can figure out appropriate legislation that would at least protect US institutions, perhaps something that limits how much capital a US bank or any of its foreign subsidiaries can lend a hedge fund?

That would be a good starting point, IMO.

And you are right, it’s all well and good to make fun of this and be like “hahaha, some stupid rich bastards got beat at their own game!” but there are potential serious ramifications to this that could have wide reaching economic effects.