
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Zimriel5/24/2009 4:00:39 pm PDT

re: #275 Crimsonfisted

How do you pronounce that [Istologatorocracy]? Sounds more like a recently discovered dinosaur than an “-cracy” to me. :)

LOL! Yes, the scientific community is guilty of many sins against legibility, all because they were turning an inflected language (Greek) into an agglutinative one like Turkish. It doesn’t work for more than two roots.

The weirdoes across the looking glass understand, at least, that “blog” is an English word; not Greek, not academic lingua franca. They have followed Lewis Carroll, and attempted to merge the words internally (Jabberwocky: “chuckle” + “snort” = “chortle”). I don’t think they did very well, but they at least started at the right place.