
BP Covering Up Spill's Effects?

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/02/2010 2:49:42 pm PDT

re: #284 windsagio

No I’m really not wrong.

There are certainly extremist factions that want EXACTLY what I’m saying. You know, people like Yigal Amir.

OK, fine. Yigal Amir represents the small kook faction of Israel. Perhaps as much as 1/100000 Israelis are as virulent as him and the average Israeli despises such folks.

On the other hand, perhaps as many as 50% of the Palestinians and 100% of their elected government in Gaza wants all Jews murdered. There is no equivalence to be made here.

It is exactly the same logical fallacy that gets made by certain right wing Americans when they point out some creepy anti-bush poster from a delusional at a protest and use that as a defense for the rampant racism seeping through the current American right, or the guns at the tea parties or the very horrible things said by national political voices like Rush or Beck or Palin.