
Fox Covers the Olympics: Gabby Douglas Has 'Lost That Jingoistic Feeling'

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/06/2012 4:17:56 pm PDT

As to the main thread,

At first when I saw all the hate directed at our First Lady, who is awesome, I thought it was just a mean-spirited and juvenile attempt to hurt the president by insulting his wife.

Amongst the really low brow, calling a man’s wife/girlfriend/sister/mother names is a sort of counting coup. It is being as mean as possible to pick a fight. I figured that the cretins then imagined they had “given one” to the president.

But looking at the pits to which they will sink, by attacking two black athletes who brought this nation glory, I have to conclude it is something deeper.

Yeah part of it is a reverse racist meme of the “angry black person.” The troglodytes who fall for it, project their own hatreds onto others, because “it is what they would do.” They assume that they are hated back just for their pale skin in the same way they fear dark skin.

But I think there is even more to it than that. And note what I am about to write is not my view, but one I have seen repeatedly.

I think for the longest time the lowest of the low in American culture was a black woman. She was always pictured as stupid, loud, vulgar and uncultured. That is putting it charitably. Black men (rappers) don’t help a lot with that image either. I’ve often wondered what they say to their mothers, but that is another question.

Of course, that allows white racists to say something like “see even they say it!”.

If we go by the model that the right at its base fears losing its position more than anything and would cling on to “at least I’m white.”

But instead, We have three women of color here who have done more than anyone in the GOP base could ever hope to accomplish. The first lady is cultured, literate and successful academically and professionally in spheres that the typical Fox news troll could never even imagine.

“At least I’m white” doesn’t mean much if you are trailer trash, and you can’t even pronounce all the subjects she got A’s in from Princeton. “At least I’m white” doesn’t mean much if you are trailer trash, have a beer gut and are looking at an Olympian.

So, those ladies have to be cut down to size. After all, actually getting an education or achieving something other than being a dumb hick is beyond the Red States.