
Another Commie Plot?

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/17/2012 1:11:26 am PDT

I see that Bart Ehrman is working his schtick successfully:

Bart Ehrman speaks to sold-out crowd on Jesus’s existence


Ehrman, a self-professed cynic of the New Testament, said he doesn’t normally dispel the beliefs of atheists. But a growing group of mythicists, people who publicly deny the existence of Jesus, has caught his attention, he said.

“Mythicists are quite angry at what I’ve said and are attacking me mercilessly on the Internet,” he said. “They think I’m a terrible scholar and have no idea what I’m talking about.”

Ehrman aimed much of his lecture at the sector of atheists and agnostics who argue that there is no archeological evidence of Jesus and no written pagan sources from the first century that even document Jesus’ existence.

“It’s not that useful of an argument because we don’t really have archeological evidence for anyone who’s ever existed,” Ehrman said.


This is evidence of someone who is going flakey - when they start spewing wild claims that are clearly wrong.

We have plenty of archeological evidence of “important” people of the past. Right now the big archeological news in the UK is this:

Richard III dig: Hundreds visit Greyfriars site in Leicester

Genetic testing will be done on the remains to try and dispel any false positives. Perhaps Ehrman would like to claim that Richard III isn’t “important”? Then what about digging up and identifying mummies of Egyptian pharaohs?

Ehrman has been acting increasingly erratic in his public proclamations. I wouldn’t be shocked if he goes even farther.