
Shameless Inversion of Reality, NRO-Style

Dark_Falcon6/04/2014 8:53:08 pm PDT

Relevant for this thread:

Understanding the Open Carry Texas-NRA fiasco (VIDEO)

For those unfamiliar with the Open Carry Texas movement, it’s helpful to know who’s who and what’s what.

There are two Open Carry Texas philosophies or core strategies employed by two different Open Carry Texas organizations. While both organizations lawfully tote long guns during demonstrations as a way to bring awareness to the state law that prohibits the open carry of handguns and to normalize the practice of openly carrying any firearm, they go about it differently.

Put quite simply, Open Carry Texas, the founding group with several chapters throughout the Lone Star State believes in alerting local law enforcement before holding events and making conscious efforts to alleviate public concern by displaying banners and signs with the Open Carry Texas logo during rallies.

Open Carry Tarrant County, which used to fall under the Open Carry Texas umbrella, recently split with Open Carry Texas because its leadership does not believe in alerting authorities before planning demonstrations believing that they’ve done enough activism on this issue in their respective district so that it’s no longer warranted.

Once again, to OCTC: