
Tom Cotton Tries to Sabotage Obama's Iran Deal, Then Calls for Massive Defense Spending

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/17/2015 3:50:19 am PDT

re: #290 Justanotherhuman

Forensic scientists in Spain believe they have found the bones of Cervantes, his wife and others recorded as buried with him in Madrid’s Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians - @BBCNews

I think I’ll restrain myself from commenting on windmills.

True story: At university, my independent work was on Cervantes and Don Quijote. I read the book (there were 2 volumes, printed 10 years apart) at least three times — in Spanish, and wrote about how Cervantes and the book influenced European lit. I am very fond of Sr. Cervantes, so I hope his grave gets an appropriate marker.

More true facts: The first book was so popular that several hack writers tried to cash in on its popularity by writing sequels. Cervantes was so disgusted that he wrote the second volume and deliberately had Don Q and Sancho mock the hack sequels in the second novel.