
An Excellent Sci-Fi Short: A Phone Call to the Past: "The Give and Take"

Jay C1/13/2019 7:09:03 pm PST

re: #273 Joe Bacon 🌹

re: #245 stpaulbear

The house in that movie is one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s southern California houses. One thing that those houses have in common is that no one liked to live in them very long.

[Embedded content]

The upkeep on them is very difficult because of discovered flaws in the building blocks.

The Ennis Brown House in Los Feliz (L.A.). I remember seeing it on a school tour some time back (I think) early in the Johnson Administration: even then it was partly-closed for restoration work (and again, when I went back in the ’90s). Typical of Wright: he built it mostly out of these weird concrete blocks he designed, with his usual attention to artistic effect, and his usual disdain for the practical matters of weathering and maintenance.