
Covering the Churchill Trial

avanti3/10/2009 10:21:54 am PDT

re: #11 Nevergiveup

I was at Radio City last night to hear Coulter and Mahar. What a setup and what a farce. 90% of the “audience” were libs. The “moderator” was a lib. The questions were all liberal questions and talking points. And Coulter really has to get off evolution, religion, stem cell research and Jindal or it’s gong to bury us all. I’ll write more later when I get a chance and after I’ve taken another bottle of aleve.

She did score a few points when she spoke rationally. The point about not using Obama’s middle name was a good one, but the stem cell comments about Nancy Reagan were over the top:

“Nancy Reagan was so madly in love with Ronald Reagan,” Coulter said, “if you told her that we could bring Ronald Reagan back to life, cure Alzheimer’s by disemboweling everyone in this audience, she would say ‘do it.’”