
Camera: Jew Hatred at HuffPo

Salamantis5/12/2009 1:42:22 pm PDT

re: #285 Curtain of Oz

There are anti-Israel and anti-Semites on both extreme of the camps. However, the lion share of the noise comes from the left. Often, the left is clearly philosophically opposed to the existence of Israel. For every Ron Paul or Pat B and can give you 100s of left-wing nut jobs who get real traction in their communities. How about Noam Chomsky for example? Ron Paul might want to cut US to Israel aid. Noam and ilk want to see Israel dissolved. Now we don’t have to split hairs. Go to any left leaning protest in this country and just count the Israel bashers. Add this to your equal-share point of view - how much traction does Ron Paul get? Now read the NY Times, watch CNN, or listen to the talking heads at the UN and you’ll get my drift…

The open antisemites on the right (for instance, the John Birchers) were tossed out of the conservative movement by William F. Buckley, and have yet to worm their way back in from their far right fascist fringes. The big name anti-Israel folks on the left don’t claim to want to see Jews killed (Chomsky and Finkelstein ARE Jews), but they share the Soviet resentment that Israel chose constitutional democracy rather than socialism, and wish to see its government fail for that reason.

Far too many of both the rank and file leftists claiming to be liberals and the rank and file rightists claiming to be conservatives are simply ignorant, arrogant, bigoted and/or belligerent anuses. And a lot of them are just dense. Especially the ones who like to protest roll.